You are here: Inventory Management > Receiving > Manage Vendor Returns

Manage Vendor Returns

  1. ClosedNavigate to the Edit Vendor Returns screen.

    1. Log In to the Data Center Application to display the Data Center ribbon menu.

    2. Select Receiving > Vendor Returns from the main menu to display the Edit Vendor Returns screen.

  2. Click a vendor name in the Select Vendor list to display the vendor's returns on the screen.

    Note: If needed, enter all or part of a vendor’s name in the field to show only matching vendors in the Select Vendor list.

  3. Complete the following procedure to display returns from a particular time frame:
    1. Select a predefined time frame option (e.g., "All Vendor Returns dated Last Quarter") from the drop-down at the top of the page to automatically fill the From and To fields.

      Note: To create a custom time frame, select the "All Vendor Returns dated in Custom period" option from the drop-down field and enter starting and ending dates in the From and To fields.

    2. Click the Shows Returns button to display all invoices dated during the time frame.

  4. If needed, Sort and Filter Onscreen Data.
  5. Complete the following procedures as appropriate to manage vendor returns:

    ClosedCreate a Vendor Return

    ClosedEdit a Vendor Return

    ClosedDelete a Vendor Return

  6. Enter/edit the RMA (return merchandise authorization) number in the RMA Number field.
  7. Enter/edit the date of the return in the Date Returned field.
  8. Compete the following procedure for each item to be returned:
    1. Click the Add Item button to create an open entry in the return detail table.
    2. If appropriate, select the associated purchase order from the Purchase Order drop-down.
    3. Select the item's UPC from the UPC drop-down (or scan/enter the desired UPC in the field).
    4. If the item is a firearm or serialized non-firearm item, complete one of the following procedures as appropriate:
      • Enter a Firearm's Log Number:
        1. Click the Select button in the Firearm (Log #) Or Non-Firearm Serial Number field to display the Firearm Inventory window.
        2. Check the firearm's Select checkbox (or enter its log number in Scan Log # here field and press the Enter key) to select the firearm.
        3. Click the Submit button to place the firearm's log number in the Firearm (Log #) Or Non-Firearm Serial Number field.
      • Enter a Serialized Non-Firearm Item's Serial Number:
        1. Click the Select button in the Firearm (Log #) Or Non-Firearm Serial Number field to display the Select Product Serial Number window.
        2. Select the appropriate serial number from the drop-down field.
        3. Click the Submit button to place the item's serial number in the Firearm (Log #) Or Non-Firearm Serial Number field.
    5. Edit the amount in the Qty Returned field as needed.
    6. Select the vendor's remedy for the situation from the Vendor Action drop-down.

      Note: If "Issue credit" is selected for one item in a return, it must be selected for all items in the return.

    7. Select the shipping paid option from the Shipping Paid drop-down.
    8. Enter the reason the item is being returned in the Reason field.
  9. Click the Submit button to add/update the vendor return on the list.
  10. Click the tab's Close button to close the screen.





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