You are here: System & Store > System Administration > Set Up AcuSport Ordering

Set Up AcuSport Ordering

Complete the following procedure to establish a secure, reliable connection between the AXIS system and AcuSport’s AcuOrder Web Service.

  1. ClosedNavigate to the AcuSport Ordering Setup screen.

    1. Log In to the Data Center Application to display the Data Center ribbon menu.

    2. Select Setup > AcuSport Ordering Setup from the main menu to display the AcuSport Ordering Setup screen.

      Note: A user must be granted the AcuSportOrderingSetup security role to use this feature.

  2. If desired, check the Use AcuSport Ordering Test Server checkbox to send credentials to a test server rather than to the actual, live AcuOrder server.

    Note: This test may be useful when establishing a connection for the first time. Be sure to uncheck the box when attempting a connection to the actual AcuOrder server.

  3. Enter the store’s user name (available from AcuSport) in the User Name field.
  4. Enter the store’s password (available from AcuSport) in the Password field.
  5. Enter the store’s customer number in the Customer Number field. (This value is located in the Customer # field in the AcuSport vendor record.)
  6. Click one of the following buttons as appropriate:

  7. When credentials have been submitted to and verified by the actual server, the AXIS system is ready to send orders to AcuSport’s AcuOrder Web Service.





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