Install the Auto Replenishment Module

Complete the following procedure to install the Auto Replenishment (AR) module.

  1. AcuSport identifies the Retailer as an Auto Replenishment partner and the necessary hardcopy paperwork is completed.
  2. AcuSport CustomerLink management notifies the AcuSport Retail Technology Group (RTG) to initiate the installation.
  3. RTG sends the Retailer an email containing a link to the Retailer’s End-User Agreement (EUA).

    Note: The EUA should be addressed in a timely manner as the link will expire after a certain amount of time.

  4. The Retailer receives the email containing the link to the End-User Agreement (EUA).
  5. The Retailer reviews the EUA document.
  6. The Retailer selects the “Agree” option to signify agreement with it.

    Note: If the retailer does not agree to the End-User Agreement Terms, the installation process will cease until further action is taken by CustomerLink management at AcuSport. At this time an email notification will alert the proper parties at AcuSport and RTG.

  7. The Retailer’s agreement automatically activates the installation of the Auto Replenishment (AR) module by the POS Admin site.





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