You are here: Range & Firearm > Firearm Transactions > Oversee the Electronic 4473 Form Process > Fill Out the Customer Portion of an Electronic 4473 Form

Fill Out the Customer Portion of an Electronic 4473 Form

This procedure may be completed with a tablet PC, kiosk, or computer running the Form 4473 application.

  1. Ensure the Form 4473 application is available and displaying the code entry screen.

  2. If needed, click a language button (English or Espanol) to change the language used on the screen and in documents.

  3. Enter the 4473 ID code provided in the Enter 4473 Code field.

  4. Click the Next button to display the Warnings screen.

  5. Click the Continue button to display another screen.
  6. Complete these steps for every screen that follows:
    1. Read the screen carefully. If available, click the Show Instructions arrow button to display instructions for the screen.
    2. Enter information in fields and answer questions as directed.
    3. Click the Continue button to display the next screen. (If needed, click the Back button to review or revise previously completed pages.)

      Note: One or more screens may require a click of an I agree with and certify the above statement button rather than a Continue button.

  7. Notify the salesperson when prompted or when the original code entry screen displays again.





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