You are here: Inventory Management > Pricing > Manage Tax Types

Manage Tax Types

  1. ClosedNavigate to the Tax Types screen.

    1. Log In to the Data Center Application to display the Data Center Ribbon Menu.

    2. Select ClosedPricing > Tax Types from the ribbon menu to display the Tax Types screen.

  2. Complete the following procedures as needed to manage tax type information:

    ClosedCreate a Tax Type

    1. Click the New Tax Type button to display the Define/Edit Tax Type window.

    2. Continue with the procedure below.

    ClosedEdit a Tax Type

    1. Click a tax type’s Edit button to display its Define/Edit Tax Type window.

    2. Continue with the procedure below.

    ClosedDelete a Tax Type

    1. Click a tax type’s Delete button to display a deletion confirmation window.
    2. Click the Yes button to remove the tax type from the Tax Types screen.
    3. Click the tab's Close button to close the screen.

  3. Enter/edit the tax type's name in the Tax Type field.
  4. Enter/edit the tax type's description in the Description field.
  5. Select the appropriate rounding method from the Rounding drop-down.

    Note: If a calculated tax amount includes partial cents (e.g., the "37" portion of $1.2437), the rounding method determines how the system will convert that to an amount with no partials (e.g., either $1.24 or $1.25).

  6. Click the Submit button to display the new/updated tax type on the Tax Types screen.

  7. If needed, define a tax rate for this tax type.

    Note: Refer to Add or Remove a Tax Type's Tax Rate for more information.

  8. Click the tab's Close button to close the screen.





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