You are here: Inventory Management > Receiving > Receive Inventory > Delete a Purchase Order

Delete a Purchase Order

  1. ClosedNavigate to the Receiving screen.

    1. Log In to the Data Center Application to display the Data Center Ribbon Menu.

    2. Select ClosedReceiving > Receiving from the ribbon menu to display the Receiving screen.

    3. ClosedSelect onscreen options to determine which purchase orders are displayed on the screen:
      • Filter by Vendor:
        Click a vendor name in the Select Vendor list to display only purchase orders for that vendor. (Click the All vendor name to display purchase orders for all vendors.)

        Note: If needed, enter all or part of a vendor’s name in the field to show only matching vendors in the Select Vendor list.

      • Filter by Date:
        Uncheck the All Dates checkbox, enter dates in the From and To fields, and click the Refresh button to display only purchase orders from that date range.
      • Filter by Significant Number:
        Select an option (PO#, Scan UPC, Scan MFG #, Scan Item #,Scan Vendor Part #) from the drop-down, enter all or part of the desired identifier in the text field, and click the Search POs button to display only purchase orders that contain the entered text.
      • Sort and Filter Onscreen Data.

  2. ClosedSelect onscreen options to determine which purchase orders are displayed on the screen:
  3. Click a purchase order’s Delete button to display a deletion confirmation window.

  4. Click the Yes button to remove the purchase order from the screen.
  5. Click the tab's Close button to close the screen.





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