You are here: Inventory Management > Receiving > Receive Inventory > Import Purchase Order Data

Import Purchase Order Data

Complete the following procedure to import purchase order data into the Receiving screen by creating, populating, and importing a formatted Excel file.

  1. ClosedNavigate to the Receiving screen.

    1. Log In to the Data Center Application to display the Data Center Ribbon Menu.

    2. Select ClosedReceiving > Receiving from the ribbon menu to display the Receiving screen.

    3. ClosedSelect onscreen options to determine which purchase orders are displayed on the screen:
      • Filter by Vendor:
        Click a vendor name in the Select Vendor list to display only purchase orders for that vendor. (Click the All vendor name to display purchase orders for all vendors.)

        Note: If needed, enter all or part of a vendor’s name in the field to show only matching vendors in the Select Vendor list.

      • Filter by Date:
        Uncheck the All Dates checkbox, enter dates in the From and To fields, and click the Refresh button to display only purchase orders from that date range.
      • Filter by Significant Number:
        Select an option (PO#, Scan UPC, Scan MFG #, Scan Item #,Scan Vendor Part #) from the drop-down, enter all or part of the desired identifier in the text field, and click the Search POs button to display only purchase orders that contain the entered text.
      • Sort and Filter Onscreen Data.

  2. Click the appropriate vendor name in the Select Vendor list to activate the Template and Import PO buttons.
  3. Click the Template button to export the template format to an Excel file.

  4. Populate the Excel file with purchase order information.

    Note: The file must adhere to the validation requirements indicated in row 1 and below:

    Note: If the file contains a PO number that is already in use, the system will allow the file to be imported. If an imported file is a copy of an existing PO, be sure to delete the duplicate PO(s) from the system.

  5. Save the Excel file.

  6. Navigate to the Receiving screen and click the appropriate vendor name in the Select Vendor list to activate the Template and Import PO buttons.

  7. Click the Import PO button to display the Load Excel Import window.

  8. Browse to the desired location.
  9. Double-click the saved Excel file to select it and start the import process.
  10. If the system detects any errors, it displays the Import Complete with Errors window.

    Complete any of the following as needed:

  11. When the import is complete, the system displays the Upload Complete window.

  12. Click the Close button to close the window.
  13. Complete the following procedure to view the imported purchase order:
    1. Click the tab's Close button to close the screen.
    2. Navigate to the Receiving screen.
    3. Click the imported purchase order's Details button to display its Receiving Details screen.





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