You are here: System & Store > Reports > Use the Value On Hand Report

Use the Value on Hand Report

Complete the following procedure to review and print a report showing the quantity, total costs, and total value for every item in inventory at present or for a selected past month.

  1. ClosedNavigate to the Value on Hand Report screen.

    1. Log In to the Data Center Application to display the Data Center ribbon menu.

    2. Select Reports > Inventory Reports > Value on Hand Report from the main menu to display the Value on Hand Report screen.

  2. If desired, select a past month from the Date drop-down to display display inventory values from that period.

    Note: The drop-down does not include months that occurred prior to the installation of AXIS software version 2.5.

  3. Complete the following procedures as needed to modify the list displayed on the Raw Data tab:
  4. Click the Report tab to display the report.

    Note: The report reflects the filters and controls selected on the Raw Data tab.

  5. Complete the following procedures as needed to view and utilize the report:
  6. Click the tab's Close button to close the screen.





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