You are here: System & Store > Store Operations > Manage POS Functions > Manage POS Options

Manage POS Options

Complete the following procedure to activate the Quick Login feature, define unique tender types, automate transaction payment processes, require customer selection to start a transaction, and/or include the customer's phone number on receipts.

  1. ClosedNavigate to the POS Setup screen.

    1. Log In to the Data Center Application to display the Data Center ribbon menu.

    2. Select Setup > POS Setup from the main menu to display the POS Setup screen.

  2. Complete the following procedures as needed to manage POS options:

    ClosedInclude the Customer’s Phone Number on Receipts

    ClosedRequire Customer Selection to Start a Transaction

    ClosedAutomate Transaction Payment Completion

    ClosedActivate Quick Login for the Register Application

    ClosedDefine a Unique Tender Type





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