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Report Columns Index

This Report Columns Index provides a comprehensive list of columns used in report and on screens.

Avg Cost

Average cost of the item

Avg Sale Price


Avg Sold Price

Total sold price divided by the number of items sold


Average cost of the item at the time of the treansaction


Date of the transaction


Department attribute descriptor assigned to the item

Discount Type

Type of discount applied to the item.


Amount of discount applied to the item

Excluded On Order

Number of items on order but not to be included in QoH calculations

Ext Avg Cost


Ext Last Cost

Extended Last Cost; Ext Last Cost = Last Cost x Qty

Ext Retail Price


First Name

First name of the customer

GP $

Gross Profit Dollars; GP$ = Price - Cost

GP %

Gross Profit Percentage; GP% = (Price - Cost) / Price


Item attribute descriptor assigned to the item

Item Description

Description for the item

Last Cost

Last cost associated with the item

Last Name

Last name of the customer

Last Received Date

Last date on which the item was received


Manufacturer attribute descriptor assigned to the item

Max Qty

Current Maximum quantity value


Manufacturer reference number

Min Qty

Current Minimum quantity value

MTD Qty Sold

Number of items sold to date during the current month

Non Taxable Sales

Total non-taxable sales for the tax type.

On Order

Number of items that are on order 

PY MTD Qty Sold

Number of items sold to date during the corresponding month for today's date in the previous year

PY Qty Sold

Number of items sold during the previous year


Quantity on hand

Qty Sold

Total number of items sold


Logical machine name

Retail Price

Retail price for the item

Sold Price

Price the item was sold for

Tax Amt

Amount of taxes paid on the item

Tax Collected

Taxes collected for each tax type

Tax Exempt Sales


Tax Rate

Tax rate for the tax type

Tax Type

Tax types that had sales

Taxable Sales

Total taxable sales for the tax type


Time of the transaction

Total Sales

Total sales before tax

Total Sales w/Tax

Total sales plus taxes paid for the tax type


Transaction number

TRX Type

Transaction type (i.e., Sale, Return, Special Order Sale, Layaway Sale, Work Order Sale)


Item's product UPC

User ID

Employee who sold the item

YTD Qty Sold

Number of items sold to date during the current year






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