You are here: System & Store > Log In to the Data Center Application > Use the Data Center Ribbon Menu > Best Customer List screen

Best Customer List screen

The Best Customer List screen allows the user to view a list of the best customers (in terms of dollars spent).

Use the Best Customer List screen

  1. Log In to the Data Center Application to display the ClosedData Center ribbon menu.

  2. Select Customer Admin > Best Customer List from the main menu to display the ClosedBest Customer List screen.

  3. Complete the desired procedure(s) with Closedonscreen features.

    Selected Departments drop-down

    Select the desired department(s) from drop-down to calculate results for only the selected department(s).

    Date Range fields

    Enter a starting and ending date to calculate results for only the defined time frame.

    Record Count field Enter the number of records to display in the list.
    Submit button

    Click the Submit button to activate the selected list restrictions (Selected Departments, Date Range, and Record Count).

    Grid Layout Controls

    Complete the following to save a layout:

    1. Select the desired combination of filters, sorts, groupings, etc.

      Note: Filters selected in the Attributes section are not included in a saved layout.

    2. Enter a name for the layout in the Default Grid Layout field.

      Note: Some screens allow the user to modify and save changes to the default (Default Grid Layout) layout, though most do not.

    3. Click the Save button beside the field to save the current layout under the name in the field.

    Select the desired layout from the Default Grid Layout drop-down to recall that layout.

    Note: Select the Default Grid Layout option to recall the default layout.

    List/Raw Data Tab controls

    • Enter a term (string of characters) in the Search field to display only records containing that term.
    • Click the Clear Search (X) button to undo the Search field filter.
    • Click the Clear All button to undo all filters.
    • Click the Toggle Filters button to display filter controls at the tops of the columns. (Click again to hide the controls.)
    • Click the Export to Excel (Table) button to export the data to an Excel file.
    • Click the Column Chooser button to hide or display individual columns.





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