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Freezes and Voids Overview

This document provides a brief overview of an issue that may occur and a procedure for addressing it.


If the Register application freezes while a PAYware credit card transaction is being processed and the user chooses to close the application, the system may automatically void the transaction within PAYware records.

When the user clicks the Close (X) button, the system displays a confirmation window.
When the user clicks the Continue button, the system displays the Log Out or Lock? window.
When the user clicks the Log Out button, the system voids the transaction within PAYware records.


Complete the following procedure to address an inadvertent PAYware void by voiding the original transaction from system history and repeating it:

  1. Reopen the Register application.
  2. Check the transaction history:

    1. Click the History tab to display the History window.
    2. Click the Transactions tab to display completed transactions:
      • If the transaction has already been voided, close the History window and proceed to the next step below.
      • If the transaction has not been voided,
        1. Click its Void button to display a Warning window.
        2. Click the OK button to add the voided transaction to the Cash Register screen.
        3. Complete the voided transaction.
        4. Proceed to the next step below.
  3. Create a new transaction to replace the voided one and process as a new credit card transaction.
  4. Be sure to reconcile Daily Transactions.





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