Customer Snapshot window

The Customer Snapshot window allows the user to capture an image and add it to a customer record.

Note: The Customer Snapshot window requires the Microsoft Expression Encoder 4 program to function. If this program has not been installed, an attempt to display the Customer Snapshot window will display a message indicating this. Click the Yes button in this window and follow onscreen instructions to download and install this program. It may be necessary to restart the AXIS application after the program installs.

Use the Customer Snapshot window

  1. Complete any of the following as appropriate to display the ClosedCustomer Snapshot window:

  2. Select the desired image source from the Video Device drop-down.
  3. Click the Take Snapshot button to capture the image, close the Customer Snapshot window, and add the image to the customer record.
  4. If necessary, click the Submit button to save changes to the customer record.





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