You are here: System & Store > Accounting > Install the QuickBooks SDK File

Install the QuickBooks SDK File

Complete the following procedure to install the QuickBooks SDK file.

  1. Contact RTG Support Line at or 1-800-547-7120 and request a link to the location of the QuickBooks SDK File.
  2. Download the QuickBooks SDK File from the provided link/location.
  3. Double-click the file to display the Security Warning window.

  4. Click the Run button to display the InstallShield Wizard window and begin installation.

  5. When the installation is complete, click the Finish button to display the Getting started with the QuickBooks SDK graphic in a new window.

  6. Review the graphic as needed.
  7. Click the window’s Close button to close it.
  8. Proceed to Configure the Accounting Module.





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