You are here: System & Store > Store Operations > Manage Facilities > Manage Facility Reservations

Manage Facility Reservations

  1. ClosedNavigate to the Facility Usage screen.

    1. Log In to the Data Center Application to display the Data Center ribbon menu.

    2. Select Facilities > Facility Usage from the main menu to display the Facility Usage screen.

  2. ClosedSelect onscreen options to determine which reservations are displayed on the screen:
  3. Complete the following procedures as appropriate to manage facility reservations:

    ClosedReserve a Facility

    ClosedEdit a Facility Reservation

    ClosedCancel a Facility Reservation

  4. ClosedEnter/edit Facility Reservation information in the window.

  5. Click the Submit button.

    Note: If any date/time combinations conflict with an existing reservation for the same facility, the Submit button will remain grayed out.

  6. Click the tab's Close button to close the screen.





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