You are here: Range & Firearm > Firearm Transactions > Document an Outgoing Firearm Transfer

Document an Outgoing Firearm Transfer

  1. ClosedNavigate to the Transfer Out screen.

    1. Log In to the Data Center Application to display the Data Center ribbon menu.

    2. Select Firearms > Transactions > Transfer > Transfer Out from the main menu to display the Transfer Out screen.

  2. Complete the following procedures as appropriate to add the transfer-receiving party's information:

    ClosedTransfer to a Customer

    ClosedTransfer to a Dealer

  3. Complete the following procedures as appropriate to add outgoing transfer firearm information:

    ClosedAdd an Outgoing Firearm

    ClosedEdit an Outgoing Firearm's Price

    ClosedRemove an Outgoing Firearm from the Screen

  4. Complete the remaining fields:
    1. Enter the transaction date (mm/dd/yyyy) or Select a Date with the calendar button in the Set Date field.

      Note: This is the date of the transaction, not the date of the disposition.

    2. Enter the NICS approval code in the NICS Approval Code field.
    3. Enter the transaction serial number in the Transaction Serial Number field.
    4. If needed, enter transaction notes in the Outgoing Notes field.
  5. Click the Submit button to send the transaction to the appropriate system features.





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