You are here: Customer Transactions > Add an Item to a Transaction > Sales Orders > Return an Item as a Sales Order

Return an Item with a Sales Order

  1. ClosedNavigate to the Sales Orders and Quotes screen.

    1. Log In to the Data Center Application to display the Data Center ribbon menu.

    2. Select Purchasing > Sales Orders and Quotes from the main menu to display the Sales Orders and Quotes screen.

      Note: A user must be granted the Purchasing permission to view/use this feature.

  2. Click the New Sales Order button to display a blank Sales Order Details screen.

  3. Enter contact information and select the desired product:

    Note: Refer to Create or Edit a Sales Order for more information

  4. Enter a negative quantity in the product's Ship Qty field as appropriate.

    Note: For instance, if the customer is returning four of that product, enter"-4" in the field.

  5. If necessary, modify the product's Sale Price and GP% values as appropriate.
  6. Select House Account from the Payment Type drop-down.

  7. Complete the remainder of the Shipping Details section and print documents as appropriate.

  8. When the sales order is ready for processing, click the Submit button to display a save confirmation window.

  9. Click the OK button to close the save confirmation window.

  10. Click the tab's Close button to close the Sales Orders and Quotes screen.





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