You are here: Customer Transactions > Add an Item to a Transaction

Add an Item to a Transaction

Complete the following procedure to select the item(s) to be added to a transaction.

  1. Identify the Customer as needed to display the Cash Register screen.

    Note: If the system has been configured to allow it, customer identification may not be required for some transactions.

  2. Complete the following procedures as needed to select the appropriate item(s):

    ClosedScan a UPC Barcode
    ClosedEnter a UPC Number
    ClosedSelect a Quick Picks Item
    ClosedSearch for and Select an Item
    ClosedSelect a Firearm from Inventory
    ClosedSelect a Firearm from Inter Store Transfer
    ClosedAdd a Firearm Processed Through the Data Center Application
    ClosedAdd Range Time
    ClosedAdd a Membership
    ClosedAdd a Class
    ClosedAdd a Layaway Item
    ClosedAdd a Product Hold
    ClosedAdd a Special Order Item
    ClosedAdd a Completed Work Order
    ClosedRemove an Item from a Transaction
  3. Continue with the transaction:

    1. Adjust Transaction Details as needed.
    2. Accept Payment for a Transaction.





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