You are here: Range & Firearm > Range > Range Management > Manage Range Overage Charges

Manage Range Overage Charges

Complete the following procedure to create or update an overage charge to be associated with select range products (blocks of range time).

Note: Refer to Manage Range Use Products for information on associating an overage charge with a particular range product.

  1. ClosedNavigate to the Range Overage Charges for Range Lane Use screen.

    1. Log In to the Data Center Application to display the Data Center Ribbon Menu.

    2. Select ClosedRange > Range Overage Charges from the ribbon menu to display the Range Overage Charges for Range Lane Use screen.

  2. If needed, Sort and Filter Reporting Screen Data.
  3. Complete the following procedures as needed to manage lane use products:

    ClosedCreate an Overage Charge

    ClosedEdit an Overage Charge

    ClosedDelete an Overage Charge

  4. Enter/edit the charge description in the Overages Description field.

  5. Enter/edit the price associated with this charge in the Price field.
  6. Enter/edit the duration (in minutes) in the Duration field. If the overage is charged continually rather than as a one-time charge (see Continual checkbox below), this is the maximum number of minutes for a single overage charge. If an overage continues past this value, the charge is recorded and an additional overcharge is started with a new timer.

  7. Enter/edit the grace period (in minutes) in the Grace Period field. This is the number of minutes a customer may go past his/her allotted range time before the overage charge applies.

  8. Check or uncheck the Continual checkbox as desired for this charge:

  9. Click the Submit button to display the new/modified charge on the Range Overage Charges for Range Lane Use screen.

  10. Click the tab's Close button to close the screen.





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