You are here: Customer Transactions > Add an Item to a Transaction > Work Orders > Edit a Work Order's Description

Edit a Work Order's Description

Complete the following procedure to edit an open, non-firearm work order's description.

Note: To edit a firearm-related work order's description, refer to Update an Open Gunsmithing Work Order.

  1. ClosedNavigate to the Open Work Orders screen.

    1. Log In to the Data Center Application to display the Data Center ribbon menu.

    2. Select Work Orders > Open Work Orders from the main menu to display the Open Work Orders screen.

  2. If needed, Sort and Filter Onscreen Data.

    Note: If a work order's Due Date occurs in the past or within the next three days, the system displays it in red.

  3. Click a work order’s Edit Description button to display its Edit the work order description window.
  4. Edit the text in the field.
  5. Click the OK button to display the edited description on the Open Work Orders screen.
  6. Click the tab's Close button to close the screen.





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