You are here: Customer Transactions > Add an Item to a Transaction > Memberships > Register a Group/Family Member for a Membership

Register a Group/Family Member for a Membership

  1. Identify the Customer.
  2. Click the Sell tab to display the Sell window.
  3. Click the Membership tab to display the Membership page.

  4. Click the desired membership to display its Terms record.

  5. Click the Register Family Member button to display the Customer window.

    Note: If this button does not display, this membership does not offer a group membership option.

  6. Select the primary member to display another Customer window.
  7. Identify the group/family member to display a confirmation window.

    Note: Refer to Identify the Customer for information on adding/selecting a new or existing party to be a group/family member.

  8. Click the OK button.

  9. Click the Close button to close the Sell window.





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