You are here: Range & Firearm > Range > Range Point of Sale > Add a Range Customer to the Range Queue

Add a Range Customer to the Range Queue

  1. Identify the Customer.

  2. Select a primary shooter product as a transaction item to add it to the Cash Register screen.

    Note: Refer to Add an Item to a Transaction for more information on identifying the appropriate range product.

  3. Select any additional items (ammunition, eye/ear protection, gun rental, etc.) to add them to the transaction.
  4. Click the Range tab to display the Range Control window and add the customer to the Range Queue.

    Note: The system automatically suspends the transaction while the customer is on the range.

  5. Note the box to the left of the customer’s name to determine his/her range waiver status:

  6. When appropriate, Assign a Range Customer to a Lane.





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