You are here: Customer Transactions > Log In to the Register Application

Log In to the Register Application

  1. Locate the AXIS Register icon on the desktop, and click it to momentarily display the ClosedRegister application initialization window.

    Note: Some computers may be configured to require a double-click to open an application.

    Note: If the system displays the Database Connection Settings window, a connection between the machine and the server has not been established or has been lost. Complete Log In with the Database Connection Settings Window to establish the necessary connection.

  2. When initialization finishes, the system closes the initialization window and displays the ClosedRegister login window.

    Note: If this window displays a PIN # field, the Quick Login feature has been activated.

  3. Complete the required field(s):

  4. Click the Login button to display the Configuration Issues screen.

  5. Click the OK button to display the ClosedCash Register screen.

  6. If the system displays a Payment Terminal window, the workstation's registration to the terminal requires validation. Complete the following procedure:

    1. Note the Code provided in the Payment Terminal window.
    2. Click the OK button to close the window.
    3. Enter the Code where indicated on the terminal's screen.
    4. Press the terminal's Enter key.
  7. Refer to Use the Cash Register screen for more information on using this screen.





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