You are here: System & Store > Accounting > Set Up Accounting Links and Features

Set Up Accounting Links and Features

Complete the following procedure to establish links between the Accounting Module and associated QuickBooks accounts and locations.

  1. ClosedNavigate to the Accounting Setup screen.

    1. Complete the following procedure before continuing:

      1. Close the Data Center Application and make sure all users are logged out of the accounting (i.e., QuickBooks) application.

      2. Log in to the accounting (i.e., QuickBooks) application with Administrator rights.
    2. Log In to the Data Center Application to display the Data Center Ribbon Menu.

    3. Select ClosedAccounting > Accounting Setup from the main menu to display the Accounting Setup screen.

      Note: If the system displays an error message window during initial setup, it may be ignored. Click the Close button to close the window. If the window appears during a subsequent procedure, check the QuickBooks program to make sure it is open and there are no other users.

  2. Click the green Refresh button to display the Application with No Certificate window.

  3. Click the button in front of the Yes, always; allow access even if QuickBooks is not running option to select it.
  4. Click the Continue button to display the Confirm to Proceed window.

  5. Click the Yes button to display the Access Confirmation window.

  6. Click the Done button to close the window and display a confirmation window on the Accounting Setup screen.

  7. Click the Yes button to populate the Accounting Path field on the Accounting Setup screen.

  8. For each account type (Work Order Deposits, Layaway, Cash Deposits, etc.) in the Liability Accounts, Asset Accounts, and Invoice Accounts sections, select the corresponding QuickBooks account from the associated drop-down field.

    Note: If no accounts are available in the drop-down, no valid accounts could be located in the QuickBooks program.

  9. Complete the following procedures to establish links between the module and associated QuickBooks accounts:

    ClosedLink Inventory Accounts to Departments

    ClosedLink Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) Accounts to Departments

    ClosedLink Sales Accounts to Departments

    ClosedLink Vendor Accounts to Vendors

    ClosedLink Tax Accounts to Tax Types

    ClosedLink a QB Account to the Paid Out Account

    ClosedLink a QB Account to the Adjustment Account

    ClosedLink a QB Account to the House Account

  10. Click the Submit button to save changes and display an exit confirmation window.

  11. Click the Yes button to save changes and close the Accounting Setup screen.

    Note: If a Department, Vendor, or Tax Type is added to the AXIS RMS following this initial setup, repeat the relevant portions of this procedure as needed to account for the new additions and any other changes.





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