You are here: Range & Firearm > Gunsmithing > Create a Gunsmithing Work Order

Create a Gunsmithing Work Order

Complete the following procedure to create a work order for firearm-related work.

Note: To create a non-firearm work order, refer to Create a Work Order (non-firearm).

  1. ClosedNavigate to the New Gunsmithing Work Order screen.

    1. Log In to the Data Center Application to display the Data Center ribbon menu.

    2. Select Gunsmithing > New Gunsmithing Work Order from the main menu to display the New Gunsmithing Work Order screen.

  2. Enter the due date (mm/dd/yyyy) or Select a Date with the calendar button in the Set Due Date field.
  3. Click the Select Customer button to display the Customer Look-up window.
  4. Select or Add a Customer to add the customer to the screen.
  5. Click the Add Gun button to display the Firearm Description window.
  6. Describe a Firearm to add it to the screen. (Repeat steps as needed to add additional firearms to the screen.)
  7. Enter descriptive text in the Work Description field.
  8. Check the Send Email On Work Completion checkbox.

    Note: If the selected customer does not have an email address on file, an information screen appears. Click the Continue button to close the screen.

  9. Click the Submit button to display a confirmation window.

    Note: This procedure updates the Gunsmith Bound Book with the acquisition of the identified firearm(s).

  10. Click the Close button to close the screen.





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