You are here: Inventory Management > Receiving > Manage Invoices > Complete an Invoice

Complete an Invoice

  1. ClosedNavigate to the Invoicing screen.

    1. Log In to the Data Center Application to display the Data Center ribbon menu.

    2. Select Receiving > Invoicing from the main menu to display the Invoicing screen.

  2. ClosedSelect onscreen options to determine which invoices are displayed on the screen:

  3. Click an invoice's Details button to display the Invoice Details screen.

  4. ClosedEnter/edit Invoice Values as needed for each item.

    Note: A user must be granted the ProductCost permission to view/use some of these fields.

  5. ClosedEnter Invoice information in the window.

  6. When all fields have been completed, click the Submit button to display the Label Printing window.

    Note: If the value in the Amount Due field does not equal the calculated value (sum of all Ext. Cost fields + Shipping charges - Discount), the system displays a Totals do not match error message window.

    Click the No button to close the window and make corrections as needed.

  7. Complete the Label Printing Window to print labels and/or an invoice report as needed.

  8. The system sends the invoice to the Receiving History screen.
  9. Click the tab's Close button to close the screen.

Note: If needed, complete the View and Use the Receiving History Record procedure to review the invoice.





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