You are here: Customer Transactions > Adjust Transaction Details > Split a Tab Between Customers

Split a Tab Between Customers

Complete the following procedure to move items from one customer's transaction to another customer's tab.

  1. Create a transaction containing multiple items.
    1. Identify the Customer as needed to display the Cash Register screen.

      Note: If the system has been configured to allow it, customer identification may not be required for some transactions.

    2. Add an Item to a Transaction as needed.
    3. Adjust Transaction Details as needed.
  2. Click the Split Tab button to display the Customer - Select Customer for Split Tab window.
  3. Complete the following procedures as appropriate to identify the second customer:

  4. For each transaction item, enter the quantity to move to the second customer's tab.
  5. Click the Submit button to create and suspend a transaction containing the shifted items for the second customer, close the window, and display the first customer's transaction with revisions.

    Note: If needed, navigate to the Suspended Transactions page on the History window to review the transaction.

  6. Complete the first customer's transaction.
  7. When appropriate, select the second customer to display the suspended transaction and complete it.





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