You are here: Customer Transactions > Add an Item to a Transaction > Sales Orders > Create or Edit a Quote

Create or Edit a Quote

  1. ClosedNavigate to the Sales Orders and Quotes screen.

    1. Log In to the Data Center Application to display the Data Center ribbon menu.

    2. Select Purchasing > Sales Orders and Quotes from the main menu to display the Sales Orders and Quotes screen.

      Note: A user must be granted the Purchasing permission to view/use this feature.

  2. ClosedSelect onscreen options to determine which quotes/sales orders are displayed on the screen:
  3. Complete the following procedures as needed to create or edit a quote:

    Note: If this Quote Details screen is open on another workstation, the screen may display a Check Lock button indicating the screen is in use. If this is the case, some functions (i.e., editing) may not be available, but a secondary user may still review a quote's details and print documents as needed. When the first user closes the screen, stops interacting with it for a full minute, or navigates to another screen, the Quote Details screen automatically unlocks. At this point, a secondary user can click the Check Lock button to activate and take control of the screen.

  4. Enter/edit Contact information:

    Note: Refer to Select or Add a Sales Order Contact for more information on completing this section.

    Customer tab

    Complete this tab to identify the customer and automatically populate the Bill To and Ship To tabs.

    Note: If the assigned customer record is later updated, the new information is reflected on this tab but not on the others. In this situation, reselect the customer record for this tab to update/repopulate the other tabs as appropriate.

    (If necessary, click the Clear Customer button to clear customer information from this tab.)

    Bill To tab

    The Bill To party is responsible for payment and is used to determine discounts, taxes, etc. If the party shown on the Customer tab is not the Bill To party, select/add another customer record for this tab. The Bill To party will be identified with the sales order in transaction records.

    (If necessary, click the Clear Bill To button to clear customer information from this tab.)

    Ship To tab

    The Ship To party is responsible for receipt of the items and is recorded in the Bound Book if the order includes firearms. If the party shown on the Customer tab is not the Ship To party, select/add another customer record or a transfer agent (firearm vendor) record for this tab.

    (If necessary, click the Clear Ship To button to clear customer/vendor information from this tab.)

    Notes tab

    Add text notes as desired.
  5. Select the desired products.

  6. Complete the following procedures as needed to enter shipment values for each product.

    1. Click the product's row to select it. (Do not click its Delete button.)

    2. Modify the product's Qty Ordered, Sale Price, and GP% values as appropriate.
  7. Complete the Shipping Details section as appropriate.

    Order #

    The system automatically populates this field.

    Customer PO #

    If appropriate, enter a unique identifier for this customer.


    The system automatically populates this field with the user who creates the quote. If appropriate, another user (employee) may be selected from the drop-down.

    Ship Date

    Enter the ship date (mm/dd/yyyy) or Select a Date with the calendar button.

    Ship Via

    Enter the shipping method.

    Tracking #

    Enter the tracking number.

    Sale Price Total

    The system automatically populates this field.

    Tax Amt

    The system automatically populates this field.


    Enter the freight amount.

    Sales Total

    The system automatically populates this field.

    Payment Type

    Select the appropriate payment type (Prepaid or House Account) from the drop-down.

  8. Complete the following procedures as desired to print the quote:

    1. Click the Print Quote button to display the Quote window.
    2. Adjust display as desired.

    3. Click the Print report button to display the Print window.
    4. Modify print options (e.g., select a different printer, adjust settings, etc.) as needed.
    5. Click the Print button to print the document.
    6. Click the Close button to close the window.
  9. When the quote is ready to be converted to a sales order, click the Move to Sales Order button to close the Quote Details screen and add the newly-created sales order to the Sales Orders and Quotes screen.

    Note: If it is not ready, click the Back button to close the Quote Details screen and add/update the quote on the Sales Orders and Quotes screen.





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