You are here: System & Store > Log In to the Data Center Application > Use the Data Center Ribbon Menu > Product Search window

Product Search window

The Product Search window allows the user to select one or more products to be added to the currently active feature element (purchase order, receiving record, work order, markup category, etc.)

Use the Product Search window

  1. Log In to the Data Center Application to display the Data Center Ribbon Menu.

  2. Complete one of the following procedures as appropriate to display the ClosedProduct Search window..

  3. Complete the desired procedure(s) with Closedonscreen features.

    Attributes section

    If necessary, click the Attributes arrow button to display the Attributes section and these filter controls for the main screen:
    • Enter a string of characters in the Filter field and press the Enter key to allow only Descriptors that contain the string to be available in the Attributes section.
    • Click an Attribute heading to display its list of available Descriptor options.
    • Check a Descriptor checkbox to add it to the Selected item(s) list. (Uncheck a Descriptor checkbox in the Selected item(s) list to remove it.)
    • Click the Clear button to remove all Descriptors from the Selected item(s) list.
    • Click the Submit button to apply the filters in the Selected item(s) list to the main screen.

    Note: Some selections may cause other selections to be unavailable.

    List/Raw Data Tab controls

    • Enter a term (string of characters) in the Search field to display only records containing that term.
    • Click the Clear Search (X) button to undo the Search field filter.
    • Click the Clear All button to undo all filters.
    • Click the Toggle Filters button to display filter controls at the tops of the columns. (Click again to hide the controls.)
    • Click the Export to Excel (Table) button to export the data to an Excel file.
    • Click the Column Chooser button to hide or display individual columns.
    Product Selection controls Use these controls to select/deselect products as needed:
    • Check a product’s checkbox to select it.
    • Uncheck a product’s checkbox to deselect it.
    • Check the checkbox in the column heading to select all products on the window.
    • Uncheck the checkbox in the column heading to deselect all products on the window.

    Note: If the column heading does not display a checkbox, only a single product may be selected at this time.

    Select button Click the Select button to submit selection choices and close the window.





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