You are here: Range & Firearm > Range > Range Point of Sale > Add a Secondary Shooter to a Range Customer’s Party

Add a Secondary Shooter to a Range Customer’s Party

Note: This procedure is available only if the range customer has already been assigned a lane.

  1. Open a Range Customer's Party Control Window.

  2. Click the Add Shooter tab to display the Notice window.

  3. Select a secondary product from the drop-down menu.

    Note: Refer to Add an Item to a Transaction for information on using product entry and search controls.

  4. Click the OK button to close the Notice window and display the Customer window.

  5. Identify the secondary shooter to display a new tab with his/her name in the customer’s Party Control window.

    Note: Refer to Use the Customer window for information on adding/selecting a new or existing party to be a secondary shooter.

  6. If desired, click the secondary shooter's tab to display his/her Party Control window.
  7. Click the Close button to close the Party Control window.

    Note: If the OK button is grayed out, the new shooter does not have a signed range waiver on file and may not yet be assigned to the lane. Have the shooter complete a paper or electronic waiver before proceeding. Refer to Verify a Shooter’s Range Waiver for more information.





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