You are here: Customer Transactions > Log In to the Register Application > Complete Register Procedures > Use the No Sale Button

Use the No Sale Button

Complete the following procedure to open the cash drawer, print a "No Sale" receipt, and record the action on the Exception Report screen.

Note: A user must be granted the No Sale permission to view/use this feature.

  1. Log In to the Register Application to display the Cash Register screen.

  2. If needed, Clear the Customer Selection.

    Note: The No Sale button may be disabled if a customer is selected, an active transaction contains one or more items, or a cash drawer has not been associated with the workstation.

  3. Click the No Sale button to open the cash drawer and print a "No Sale" receipt.

    Note: If the user does not have the No Sale permission, the system displays a manager approval window that must be completed to open the drawer.





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