You are here: Inventory Management > Product Maintenance > Manage Product Information > Create and Maintain a Product

Create and Maintain a Product

Complete the following procedure to add, clone, or modify a product.

  1. ClosedNavigate to the Product Maintenance screen.

    1. Log In to the Data Center Application to display the Data Center Ribbon Menu.

    2. Select ClosedInventory Management > Product Maintenance from the ribbon menu to display the Product Maintenance screen.

  2. ClosedSelect onscreen options to determine which products are displayed on the screen:
  3. Complete the following procedures as needed to manage product information:

    ClosedAdd a Product

    1. Click the Add Product button to display a blank Product Details window.

    2. Continue with the procedure below.

    ClosedClone a Product

    1. Check a product’s checkbox to select it.

    2. Click the Clone Product button to display a copy of the product’s Product Details window.

    3. Enter the UPC for the new (clone) product in the UPC field.
    4. Continue with the procedure below.

    ClosedEdit a Product

    1. Click a product’s Edit button to display the product’s Product Details window.

    2. Continue with the procedure below.

  4. ClosedEnter/edit Product information in the Product Info section:

  5. ClosedComplete the Product Tax Info section to apply tax types to the item:
    1. Select the appropriate tax for the item from the drop-down field.

      Note: If the required tax type is not available, complete Manage Tax Types to create it.

    2. Click the Add Product Tax button to display the selected tax in the list.
    3. Repeat as needed to add additional taxes.
  6. ClosedComplete the Product Attribute Descriptor section:
    1. Complete either of these procedures to select an attribute:

      • Select the desired attribute from the first Add/Edit Attribute Descriptor drop-down field.

      • Enter the name of a new attribute in the first Add/Edit Attribute Descriptor field.

        Note: A user must be granted the IMAddAttribute permission to add a new attribute.
        Be sure to spell and capitalize the attribute name correctly as it cannot be edited after entry.

    2. Complete either of these to select a descriptor:

      • Select the desired descriptor from the second Add/Edit Attribute Descriptor drop-down field.

      • Enter the name of a new descriptor in the second Add/Edit Attribute Descriptor field.

        Note: A user must be granted the IMAddAttribute permission to add a new descriptor. Be sure to spell and capitalize the descriptor name correctly as it cannot be edited after entry.

    3. Click the Update A/D button to display the selected attribute/descriptor combination in the list.
    4. Repeat as needed to add additional attribute/descriptor combinations.

      Note: A descriptor must be selected for each mandatory attribute. Refer to Manage Mandatory Attributes for more information.

  7. ClosedComplete the Product Image section:
  8. ClosedComplete the Web Info section:
    1. Check the Is Web checkbox to permit the product information to be available through the web portal. (Uncheck the box to remove this permission for the product.)

    2. If appropriate, enter the product's web-specific price in the Web Price field.
  9. ClosedComplete the Product Price Info section:
    1. Select a price type from the drop-down (first) field.

      Note: If the required price type is not available, refer to Manage Price Types to create it.

    2. Enter a price in the second field.
    3. Click the Add/Update Product Price button to display the price in the list..
    4. Repeat as needed to add additional price types.
  10. If desired, click the Vendor Product tab to display it and complete any of the following procedures:

    Note: This tab is disabled when a new product is being created (i.e., added, cloned) or received.

    ClosedAdd a Vendor Product Detail Record for this UPC

    ClosedDelete a Vendor Product Detail Record for this UPC

    ClosedControl the Behavior of this UPC's Vendor Product Detail Window

  11. If desired, click the Sales Analysis tab to display it and complete any of the following procedures:

    ClosedDisplay Case UPC or Unit UPC Data

    ClosedAdjust Lead Time

    ClosedModify Min/Max Levels

  12. Click the Submit button to add/update the product on the Product Maintenance screen.
  13. Click the tab's Close button to close the screen.





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