You are here: System & Store > Log In to the Data Center Application > Use the Data Center Ribbon Menu > Inventory Management menu

Inventory Management menu

The Inventory Management menu allows the user to set up, edit, and maintain products, product kits, license products, attributes, alias UPCs, and Quick Pick categories as well as apply taxes, print labels, set temporary min/max values, deactivate products, and reconcile inventory data with physical counts.

Note: A user must be granted the InventoryManagement permission to view/use this menu.

Select the desired Closedmenu option to display the corresponding resource.

Product Maintenance screen

Product Details window

Product Kit Maintenance screen

Product Taxes screen

Non-Stock Items screen

Quick Pick Setup screen

Seasonal Min/Max screen

Inventory Level screen

Min/Max Import screen

Product Inventory Stocktaking screen

Inventory Groups window

Product Stock Adjustment Report screen

Group History Report screen

Excel Import screen

Serial Report screen

License Maintenance screen

Product Search window





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