You are here: Range & Firearm > Range > Range Point of Sale > Use the Party Control Window

View the Party Control Window

Complete the following procedure to use a customer's Party Control window to review the customer's recent history and, if appropriate, manage the customer's time on the range.

  1. ClosedNavigate to the Party Control window.

    1. Log In to the Register Application to display the ClosedCash Register screen.

    2. Identify the Customer.

    3. Complete any of the following as appropriate to display the Party Control window:

      Note: Some procedures and window features are available only if the Range module is active.

  2. Complete the following procedures as appropriate:

    Add a ClosedCustomer Photo
    Activate a ClosedReservation
    Verify ClosedWaiver Status
    Clear ClosedWaivers
    Rent and Return a ClosedRental Firearm
    Add a ClosedSecondary Shooter
    Move the Shooter to ClosedAnother Lane
    Move the Shooter to the ClosedRange Queue
    End the ClosedRange Session
    Complete a ClosedTransaction





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