You are here: Customer Transactions > Accept Payment for a Transaction

Accept Payment for a Transaction

Complete the following procedure to complete the payment portion of a transaction by identifying the type and value of tender being exchanged.

  1. Identify the Customer as needed to display the Cash Register screen.

    Note: If the system has been configured to allow it, customer identification may not be required for some transactions.

  2. Add an Item to a Transaction as needed.
  3. Adjust Transaction Details as needed.
  4. Complete the following procedures as needed to accept the appropriate tender type(s):

    Note: If desired, the total payment amount may be spread across multiple tender types. For instance, a customer may apply the balance on a gift card toward the transaction and then use cash to pay for the remainder of the total amount due.

    ClosedAccept a Cash Payment
    ClosedAccept a Credit Card Payment through a Terminal
    ClosedAccept a Credit Card Payment through the Register Application
    ClosedAccept a Debit Card Payment through a Terminal
    ClosedAccept a Debit Card Payment through the Register Application
    ClosedAccept a Check Payment
    ClosedAccept a Gift Card Payment
    ClosedAccept a Deposit as Tender
    ClosedAccept a Charge to a House Account
    ClosedAccept a User-Defined Payment Type
    ClosedRemove a Payment
    ClosedRecord an Outgoing Payment
  5. When the amount(s) entered are equal to or greater than the Total amount due, click the Submit button to display the Transaction Complete window showing the change amount.
  6. Click the OK button to close the Transaction Complete window and display an empty Cash Register screen cash.





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