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Software Update Notes: Version 2.6

February 2016

The version 2.6 software update for your AXIS™ system includes a variety of behind-the-scenes fixes, improved screens and reports, and these great new features:

New Features

Customer Sales

The Customer Sales screen allows the user to review a sales history showing individual items and the customers to whom they were sold. This information may be filtered and sorted as needed and exported to an Excel file for use in promotions and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software.


The Dashboard screen allows the user to quickly review a selection of sales results, calculations, and historic comparisons in a customizable display.

Sales Orders and Quotes

The Sales Orders and Quotes screen allows the user to create quotes and original sales orders, review and modify details, and complete orders for shipping.

The Sales Order History screen allows the user to review a record of completed sales orders for a selected date range.

The Sales Orders for (customer) screen allows the user to review completed sales orders for a selected customer.

The Sales Orders page in the History window in the Register application allows the user to review completed sales orders for a selected customer.

The following reports have been updated to include Sales Order information:

12 Month Sales Report screen, Daily Register Report screen, Serial Report screen, Sales Tax Report screen, Retail Information Report screen, Transaction Item Report screen, Items Sold Report screen, Sales Performance Report screen, Inventory Turns Report screen,

System & Store


The following modifications have been made to the security roles (permissions) and restrictions on the Security Information for (employee) screen.

User Controls

The following modifications have been made to the Data Center application's ribbon menu.

Inventory Management

Undefined Attributes

When the 2.6 install occurs, the system will automatically locate items having mandatory attributes with null (blank) values and replace these values with the "Undefined" descriptor. This will also be done for auto added items as needed when they are brought into the system.

Bulk Product Editing

The Product Maintenance screen has been updated with new Bulk Edit options.

The Required Attr/Desc Mass Define, Bulk Define Attr/Desc, and Mandatory Product Attribute Descriptor Values screens have been removed from the system.

Case Quantities

The Case Quantity screen has been updated to automatically adjust the associated QoH, Value on Hand, and Avg Cost values when a case quantity link is created.

Auto Replenishment

Onscreen elements associated with the Auto Replenishment (previously Auto Order) feature have been standardized for consistent naming and intuitive settings (i.e., Y or N). The following screens have been updated to reflect this standardization:

Tax Types

The Tax Types screen has been updated with settings to control rounding behaviors.

Customer Transactions

Same-Day Class Registration

The user may now Register a Class Participant on the day of the class.

Membership Renewal Tools & Reminders

The Register application now includes these features that allow the user to identify memberships that require renewal and easily renew them for the customer.

Firearms & Range

Waiting Period Report

The Waiting Period Report screen has been updated with a new format and may now be accessed directly from the Firearms and Reports ribbon menus.

Firearm Transaction Notes

The Notes fields on firearm transaction screens have been reconfigured and renamed to reflect a distinction between incoming and outgoing firearms:

The following screens have been updated to reflect this change:





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