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Software Update Notes: Version 2.7

June 2016

This AXIS™ software update includes a number of great new features, expanded controls, streamlined procedures, improved reports, a variety of behind-the-scenes fixes, and these noteworthy highlights:

System & Store

AXIS Portal

The AXIS Portal window allows the user to view recent messages from AcuSport RTG and use associated tools. If the window contains a message the user has not been shown, the system automatically displays the window when the user logs in to the Data Center application. The user may manually Open the AXIS Portal Window when desired.

Quick Login

The Quick Login feature allows the user to log in to the Register application with a simple PIN code (4-10 characters) rather than having to enter both an employee number and password. (The user may also use this PIN code to unlock the Register application.) When the 2.7 install occurs, this feature will not be automatically activated. If a retailer chooses to activate this feature, ALL users wishing to log in to (or unlock) the Register application will be required to use a PIN code. Refer to the following for more information:

User Controls

The following modifications have been made to the Register application's Cash Register screen.

The following modifications have been made to the Data Center application's ribbon menu.


The Security Information for (employee) screen has been updated with these modifications to security roles (permissions) and restrictions:

Clone An Employee

The Security Information for (employee) screen now allows the user to copy a set of security roles from one employee and assign them to another with the Clone Security From tool. Refer to Select an Employee’s Security Roles for more information.

Updated Audit Options

The new Audit button on the Setup menu displays these new and revised audit log options:

Note: This button is available only if the user has been granted permission to use one or more of the log options.

New and Updated Reports


The Accounting module now reflects all value changes associated with a firearm return.

Inventory Management

Age Verification for Product Purchases

The Product Details window now allows the user to assign a minimum age requirement to a product with the Age ID field. Refer to Create and Maintain a Product for more information.

The Product Maintenance screen allows the user to assign the age requirement to an entire group of products (i.e., firearms, ammunition, etc.). Refer to Bulk Edit a Group of Products for more information.

Expanded Bulk Edit Options

The Product Maintenance screen has been updated with the following new Bulk Edit options.

Refer to Bulk Edit a Group of Products for more information.

Inventory Stocktaking

  • The Product Inventory Stocktaking screen has been updated with the following modifications:
  • Retail Pricing

    The "Retail Price" label has replaced "Price", Regular Price", and "Current Price" in a number of locations.

    Purchase Orders


    Customer Transactions

    Faster Register Application Login

    The Register Quick Login option allows the user to log in to the Register application quickly and easily with a simple entry (PIN) code rather than having to enter employee name and password. Refer to Quick Login for more information.

    Photos in Customer Records

    The customer database now allows the user to add a customer image (i.e., photograph) to be displayed as part of a customer record. Refer to Create a Customer Record, Set Up and Edit a Customer Record, and Use the Customer Snapshot window as needed for more information.

    Expanded Party Control Features

    The Party Control window now displays customer information (personal and transactional), provides New Range Module Options (if appropriate), and may be opened with a quick-access Party Control button on the Cash Register screen.

    No Sale Button

  • The Cash Register screen now features a No Sale button that allows the user to open the cash drawer from the screen without using a drawer key. When the button is clicked, the system prints a "No Sale" receipt and adds a record of the action to the Exception Report screen. Refer to Use the No Sale Button for more information.
  • Prioritized Deposits

    The system now applies deposits to a transaction before applying subsequent tender payments and prints a deposit's description on associated receipts.

    Corporate House Accounts

    The House Account List screen now includes additional columns (Company, Phone, etc.) to accommodate corporate accounts as well as expanded functionality.

    Membership Billing Control and Visibility

    Sales Orders from the Web

    The Sales Orders and Quotes screen now allows the user to review and edit sales orders from an internet sales portal.


    Firearms & Range

    Modified Bound Books

    The following modifications have been made to the Firearms Bound Book screen, Gunsmith Bound Book screen, and NFA Bound Book screen:

    Updated 4473 Controls and Features

    New Range Module Options

    The Range module has been updated with the following options and controls:

    Specified Durations for Range Products

    The Range Use Products screen now allows the user to assign a specific duration (length in minutes) to a range product. Refer to Manage Range Use Products for information..

    Charges for Range Time Overages

    Updated Range Control Window

    The Range Control window has been updated with new features.

    Expanded Party Control Feature

    The Party Control window now displays customer information (personal and transactional), provides expanded Range module controls (if appropriate), and may be opened with a quick-access Party Control button on the Cash Register screen,

    Smartwaiver Integration

    The Range module now allows the user to utilize online waivers with Smartwaiver software. The Smartwaiver software and website allow the user to create, edit, publish, and track an online waiver. The Range module allows the user to review the status of a customer's online waiver in his/her Party Control window and review/print a waiver as needed. Refer to Set Up Smartwaiver Software for the Range Module and Verify a Shooter’s Range Waiver for more information.

    Online Integration: Reservations

    The Range Setup screen (formerly the Define/Edit Range screen) now allows the user to establish an online booking threshold (maximum number of range minutes a customer may reserve through an online portal). Refer to Manage Range Information for more information.

    Online Integration: Deposits

    The Range module now allows the user to accept deposits for range reservations through an online portal. The online portal receives the customer's deposit. The Range module reflects this deposit on the customer's Party Control window and Current window (in the Deposits and Range Reservations sections) and allows the user to redeem the deposit from either location.





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